If you need help paying for a pet’s unexpected emergency veterinary care, please consider the options below:
CareCredit: 800-677-0718,
www.carecredit.com. Must be 18+ to apply online and 21+ to apply by phone. Subject to credit approval, $200 minimum.
2. Scratchpay: 855-727-239,
www.scratchpay.com. Apply by phone or tablet. Choose payment plan.
3. Sampson Fund: 508-240-7387, www.sampsonfund.org. Cape and Islands assistance for critically ill or injured dogs and cats.
4. Lucky Whiskers and Wags Medical Fund: www.nishanimals.org/assist. Grants for critical or emergent pet medical care. Application required, average grant amount of $350.
5. Red Rover Relief: 916-429-2457, www.redrover.org. Urgent care grants, average $250.
6. Fundraise on Social Media: Waggle, GoFundMe, GoGetFunding.
7. Seniors with Pets Assistance, SPA: www.nishanimals.org/assist. Grants for island seniors who have a temporary inability to care for their pet can contact NiSHA for financial or practical help until they are back on their feet.
8. Massachusetts Programs:
9. Cowboy & Rousseau Animal Assistance Fund: for rescued dogs
11. Pet Assistance Inc.: emergency and urgent care
12. The Pet Fund: medical beyond normal expenses
For more information: info@nishanimals.org or 508-825-2287 ext.1